About Me

Hi! I’m Madeline Joy.

a dreamer 
a storyteller 
an artist

I am a teenage daughter of the King of kings, a warrior princess raised from the ashes.

Poetry wanders through my mind and sometimes spills out onto paper.

I love reading speculative and YA fiction. 

I was homeschooled for most of my life, and I currently attend a Christian school.

I love dancing in the rain, under the stars, and beside the ocean.

I want to see the broken people in this world healed and restored.

My dream is to write stories that will change people’s hearts and open their eyes.

The stars are my inspiration, the wind is the blood in my veins, and the forest is my second home.

I choose to fight for the victims of human trafficking - because slavery still holds people captive and we need to fight for their freedom. 

And most importantly, I am a Christian, a Christ-follower. Jesus is the reason I am here, the reason I write, and the reason I have hope in the midst of darkness.


  1. We sound so similar - I call myself a nature child since I'm in love with the mountains and sunsets and long walks in the forest. I also have a HUGE passion for the broken people of this world and I write because Jesus has given me a dream to reach those who are hurting.
    Your blog is amazing and I can't wait to read more!

    1. Thanks Kara! I'm so glad to meet someone with similar interests and passions! =)


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